Select Committee on the CCP Critical Minerals PWG Releases New Report: Creating Resilient Critical Mineral Supply Chains
The Select Committee on the Strategic Competition Between The United States and The Chinese Communist Party released the Critical Minerals Policy Working Group Final Report: Creating Resilient Critical Mineral Supply Chains.
Full report can be viewed here. Below is an executive summary of the report:
“Established in June 2024 by Chairman John Moolenaar and Ranking Member Raja
Krishnamoorthi of the House Select Committee on the Strategic Competition between the
United States and the Chinese Communist Party, the Critical Minerals Policy Working
Group (PWG) is co-chaired by Representative Rob Wittman and Representative Kathy
Castor and includes the following seven members:
- Representative Rob Wittman (R-VA)
- Representative Kathy Castor (D-FL)
- Representative Blaine Luetkemeyer (R-MO)
- Representative Haley Stevens (D-MI)
- Representative Carlos Gimenez (R-FL)
- Representative Ritchie Torres (D-NY)
- Representative Ben Cline (R-VA)
The PWG’s work has focused on addressing the United States’ deep reliance on critical
mineral imports, particularly from the People’s Republic of China (PRC), and developing
legislation to enhance supply chain resilience, sustainability, and national security. Since
June, the PWG convened six meetings with experts across government, industry, and
academia to explore the following topics: - The Role of Battery Materials and Rare Earth Magnets in National and Economic
Security - The United States’ Import Reliance on Critical Minerals
- Forced Labor and Sustainability in the Critical Mineral and Rare Earth Industry
- Recycling, Domestic Recovery, and Non-Traditional Sources of Critical Minerals
- Human Capital Gaps in the U.S. Critical Mineral Industry
- Critical Minerals and the Defense Industry
This report summarizes the PWG’s work, lays out six policy initiatives resulting from
the group’s study, and sets the stage for continued efforts in the next Congress.
Specifically, the PWG has drafted bipartisan legislation to improve international
collaboration on geoscience research, implement export controls to protect domestic
processing and recycling industries, and address workforce gaps through education and
immigration reforms. The PWG has also explored price support mechanisms and identified
opportunities to refine bipartisan legislative solutions in the next Congress. Building on the
PWG’s bipartisan momentum will help advance comprehensive policies in the next