U.S. Reps. Torres, DeLauro, DelBene Reintroduce Federal Legislation to Expand, Improve, and Make Permanent the Child Tax Credit

Jun 07, 2023

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, U.S. Representatives Ritchie Torres (NY-15), Rosa DeLauro (CT-03), and Suzan DelBene (WA-01) reintroduced the American Family Act – legislation that would make permanent the expanded and improved monthly Child Tax Credit.

“An investment in our children and their families is an investment in the future of our country,” said U.S. Rep. Ritchie Torres (NY-15). “In 2021 alone, the expanded Child Tax Credit reached more than 61 million children and lifted nearly four million of them out of poverty. No government program has impacted so many Americans in such a short amount of time. It’s one reason why I was proud to support the American Rescue Plan and why we must pass the American Family Act. Making the Child Tax Credit permanent provides much-needed financial stability for working families, helps them make ends meet and fight rising costs, and reduces child poverty. I can’t think of a more worthy cause than helping meet the basic needs of children – our future – so they can learn, grow, and reach their fullest potential.”

“When we expanded and improved the Child Tax Credit in 2021 under the American Rescue Plan, it provided unprecedented economic security for American families. It was the largest tax cut for middle class and working families in generations,” said U.S. Rep. Rosa DeLauro (CT-03). “These monthly payments helped parents pay bills, keep healthy and nutritious food on the table, afford school clothes and supplies, pay for a music lesson or a new pair of cleats, or manage a mortgage or rent payment. It lifted nearly 4 million children out of poverty in one year alone. It worked, and it is time we get it working for families and children once more. I am proud to join Congresswoman DelBene and Congressman Torres in reintroducing this critical legislation once more.”

“The enhanced Child Tax Credit was one of the most transformational policies from the American Rescue Plan, lifting millions of children out of poverty, boosting our economy, and helping parents pay rent, put food on the table, and afford other essentials for their kids. This is a proven program that will help grow our economy by rebuilding and strengthening the middle class,” said U.S. Rep. Suzan DelBene (WA-01). “We must build on this progress by permanently reinstating this monthly benefit to ensure that every child has a fair chance at success.”

The American Family Act is cosponsored by 204 Members of Congress, including U.S. Representatives Bonamici, Barragán, McGovern, Larson, Jacobs, Velázquez, Wilson, Watson Coleman, Schiff, Mullin, Chu, Beatty, Gomez, Cherfilus-McCormick, Titus, Bowman, Ocasio-Cortez, Balint, Swalwell, Tokuda, Tonko, Nadler, Moore, Scanlon, Panetta, Dean, Hoyle, Grijalva, Payne, Norton, Morelle, Pingree, Huffman, Clarke, Foster, Williams, Pocan, Doggett, McClellan, Kildee, Meng, Budzinski, Higgins, Jesus “Chuy”Garcia, Magaziner, Raskin, Veasey, Evans, Norcross, DeSaulnier, Courtney, Kim, Henry C. (“Hank”) Johnson, Jr., Robert Garcia, Ross, Barbara Lee, Omar, Frost, Levin, Danny K. Davis, Casar, Foushee, Sylvia Garcia, Robin Kelly, McGarvey, Green, Schakowsky, Underwood, Goldman, Bush, Casten, Summer Lee, Cárdenas, Sánchez, Deluzio, Sherman, Castor, Vargas, Sewell, Strickland, Horsford, Adam Smith, Thanedar, Blumenauer, Kilmer, Kaptur, Pallone, Kuster, Brownley, Lynch, Keating, Jayapal, Landsman, Sarbanes, Peltola, Frankel, Pascrell, Stansbury, Hayes, Schrier, Waters, Carson, Ivey, Boyle, Plaskett, Soto, Slotkin, Sykes, Stevens, Larsen, Porter, Craig, Menendez, Pettersen, Schneider, Moskowitz, Nickel, Pelosi, Khanna, Cleaver, Crockett, Wexton, Salinas, Phillips, Moulton, Sablan, Carter, Brown, Sorensen, McBath, Trone, McCollum, Lofgren, Castro, Fletcher, Garamendi, Carbajal, Leger Fernandez, Tlaib, Beyer, Trahan, Himes, Costa, Escobar, Napolitano, Ruppersberger, Jeffries, Eshoo, Bishop, Bobby Scott, Dingell, Quigley, Gallego, Blunt Rochester, Donald Davis, Clyburn, Aguilar, Clark, Scholten, Adams, Sherrill, Jonathan Jackson, Kamlager-Dove, Takano, Ramirez, Thompson, Meeks, Torres, Cartwright, Mfume, Connolly, Vasquez, Wild, Matsui, Mrvan, Takano, Jackson Lee, Hoyer, Case, Correa, Crow, Cueller, DeGette, Houlahan, Lieu, Ryan, Wasserman Schultz, Gottheimer, Cohen, Ruiz, Jackson, Auchincloss, Krishnamoorthi, Caraveo, Pappas, Peters, Gonzalez, Neguse, Manning, Spanberger, Bera, Espaillat, Susie Lee, Pressley, and Gluesenkamp Perez.

The American Family Act is endorsed by Black Women for Wages for Housework, Care Income Now!, Center for the Study of Social Policy, Child Welfare League of America, Children’s Defense Fund, Citizens’ Committee for Children of New York, Center for Law and Social Policy (CLASP), Coalition on Human Needs, Common Sense Media, Community Change Action, Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath), Economic Security Project Action, Family Focused Treatment Association, First Focus Campaign for Children, Food Research and Action Center (FRAC), Fuerza, Futures Without Violence, Grace/End Child Poverty California, San Diego for Every Child, Global Women’s Strike, High Ground Institute, Institute On Taxation And Economic Policy (ITEP),The Invisible Americans Podcast: End Child Poverty, Jewish Family Service of San Diego, Just Harvest, Keep Families Afloat, LIFT, Inc., MomsRising, National Association of Counties (NACo)Public Advocacy for Kids, National Diaper Bank Network, National Women’s Law Center, Orange County United Way, Payday Men’s Network, Prevent Child Abuse America, Prosperity Now, Public Advocacy for Kids, Save the Children, School-Based Health Alliance, Texas Kids Can’t Wait, UnidosUS, Women of Color/Global Women’s Strike, Young Center for Immigrant Children’s Rights, and ZERO TO THREE.

The text of the legislation can be found here. A fact sheet can be found here.


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